Cindy Johnson

Instructor Cindy Johnson


Throughout my life crafting has been a constant theme. My mother taught me to knit when I was eight years old and that was just the beginning. I moved on to crochet, needlepoint, and cross stitch. Then in 2018 I took my first beading class and I have been hooked ever since. Kumihimo came shortly after and integrating beading with Kumihimo has become a passion for me. As a member of the American Kumihimo Society I have had the opportunity to learn from master teachers which has enabled me to grow as an artist and instructor.

I grew up in an Army family and moved all around the world. It was a nomadic life, but one that was filled with new experiences and the chance to experience different cultures. I moved to Nevada in 1985 to teach elementary music for the Clark County School District. Living this long in one place has been a unique experience for me. I currently live in North Las Vegas with two beagles and a basset hound who make me laugh every day!