Dragon Scale Bracelet

Dragon Scale Bracelet

Saturday, June 1, 2024 - 1:30pm to 4:30pm
Class Level: 
New Class?: 
Class Fee: 
Bead Skill: 
Clasp, End Caps - Glue in, Kumihimo

In this class you will learn how to use Magatama beads to create texture in a traditional 8 strand Kongoh Gumi braid (also known as a round braid).

You will learn how set up a round braiding disc to create a spiral pattern, load and drop beads, how to adjust the length of the braid, and how to finish your braid using glue-in end caps.

By the end of class you will have a finished bracelet.

Complete instructions with braiding diagrams are included.

PREREQUISITES: Knowledge of how to braid a basic 8 strand round braid (Kongoh Gumi) is helpful but not required

TOOLS: Bead mat, round Kumihimo disc, chain nose pliers, Kumihimo weight, Fireline, beading needle size 10

Dragon Scale Bracelet by Cindy Johnson©2024, 8 Strand Kumihimo Class, Braiding with Beads, Kumihimo Class, Japanese Braiding, Kumihimo Bracelet