Personalized Awl

Personalized Awl

Saturday, December 18, 2021 - 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Class Level: 
New Class?: 
Class Fee: 
Bead Skill: 
Stitch - Even Count Peyote, Stitch - Tubular Peyote

Learn to personalize and bead your Awl tool so it can easily be found with your tools or to identify it, if you leave it on the table or set it down somewhere else.

This case will be unique to you, as I encourage you to make in in your favorite colors, and combining different size bead.

PREREQUISITE: Stitch Tubular Peyote


Personalized Awl by Lori Ahlin©2021, Beaded Awl, beaded tubular Peyote, Awl Cover